well guys, brutus jr. is finally finished. i put the finishing touches on him saturday night. for a build that was mostly parts, paper clips, and some very gruesome hours of thinking, rethinking, and alot of improvising, i feel it came out better than i thought. the competition drag gas tank on the grill up front is from one of my electronics parts boxes. it's one of those round cyclinder looking things ya find on a circuit board. the gas lines leading from the tank to the top of the manifold is red telephone cord wire. not sure the gauge but it worked. so tell me what ya guys think. i should have jr.'s counter part ( the hauler) done by the end of this month, hopefully.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's brutus jr.
if you look nearest to the pumpkin, you can see the paper clip that i used to hold the diff. to the floor pan. and the silver rod for the drive shaft is the tv antenna i spoke of in the bench work section.
Josh "Hotrod" Mortus if it ain't broke........modify or customize it.